HCQ and Zinc's Secrets | Baric Files Pt. 5
Unraveling Their Potential Beyond Conventional Understanding!
In "The Baric Files Pt5," is a comprehensive exploration of early treatment protocols for SARS-CoV-2 and other RNA viruses emerges, predominantly featuring the Zinc + HCQ combination, inspired by Dr. Ralph Baric's research.
Notably, Baric's work shed light on the role of Zinc Ionophores like HCQ and their potential to disrupt viral replication mechanisms, offering a promising avenue for early intervention.
This approach contrasts starkly with traditional vaccination strategies, which struggle to keep pace with mutating viruses. The narrative underscores the critical need for further exploration of natural ionophores like EGCG and Quercetin, potentially offering safer and more effective alternatives.
Despite controversies and missed opportunities, Baric's foundational research presents a compelling direction for combating RNA viruses and underscores the significance of early treatment modalities.
First, let’s review what has been revealed in earlier segments of “The Baric Files”, thus far. Major findings.
In the spring of 2020, every Zinc + HCQ EARLY treatment protocol used against SARS-2 was based on the research of the eminent RNA microbiologist, Dr. Ralph Baric, notably the Zelenko Protocol.
Baric utilized ALL NATURAL ingredients. Pyrithione, originally extracted from the Persian Shallot plant was employed as the Zinc Ionophore. Questions persist as to why Baric chose Pyrithione as an ionophore, and I hope to continue my research into this. However, it's noteworthy that Zinc Pyrithione, with allegations of environmental toxicity, was banned in the EU. Ironically (intentionally?), this ban occurred in the midst of the pandemic, taking effect throughout the European Union in 2022. Could this ban also have been due to Baric’s use of it in his research? It raises the question in my mind of its efficacy and safety as a natural substitute for HCQ. However, it is certainly worthy of further research, given the similar attempts to restrict the use of its ionophoric rival, HCQ, during the same period of the pandemic.
HCQ or Hydroxy-Chloroquine
Both HCQ and Chloroquine are synthetically modified versions of the Quinine molecule, naturally found in the bark of the cinchona tree. Modified to reduce certain known toxicities of Quinine, HCQ was also developed to overcome growing resistance by Malaria-carrying protozoa to Chloroquine. HCQ is one of the safest drugs currently on the market, having been widely used not only for Malaria prevention/treatment but also as a long-term treatment for Lupus/SLE and Rheumatoid Arthritis. And while various medical pundits have cited the rare possibility of Cardiac QT elongation, there remain no documented cases of this with normal and safe dosages. Most cases only occur with excessive dosing far beyond recommended amounts. Often known as Jesuit’s Bark, Quinine found use, at a very high price, in combating various epidemics of Malaria then spreading throughout Europe, saving many lives.
With the SARS-1 epidemic of 2002-2003, Chloroquine was examined as a potential therapeutic against that virus, closely related to SARS-2.
Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread
“We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantages. In addition to the well-known functions of chloroquine, such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of infection and spread of SARS-CoV at clinically admissible concentrations."
As we’ve previously discussed, HCQ factors largely in the creation of the Ralph Baric-inspired "Zelenko Protocol" (Zinc + HCQ + Azithromycin). Researchers, engaged in potential anti-cancer therapeutic experiments, discovered that when added to Zinc Chloride in a petri dish containing ovarian cancer cells, they observed that:
Chloroquine Is a Zinc Ionophore
"To understand whether chloroquine (Figure 1) affects zinc uptake, A2780 cells were treated with 100–300 µM chloroquine in the presence of increased concentrations of zinc chloride for 1 hour. Intracellular basal zinc levels were barely detectable in control cells, as assayed using the FluoZin-3 probe and a fluorescent plate reader, as we previously described [15], [17]. Addition of zinc chloride only slightly increased intracellular zinc levels, suggesting that internalization of zinc ions is largely limited by the structure of the cell membrane. However, when chloroquine was added to the culture medium, intracellular zinc levels were dramatically enhanced (Figure 2A), indicating that chloroquine acts as a zinc ionophore. This enhancement of intracellular zinc levels by chloroquine was clearly dependent on the amount of zinc chloride and chloroquine added.”
So not only is Zinc + HCQ an effective EARLY treatment for SARS-2, and very likely in other RNA viruses, there is a STRONG potential that lower, prophylactic quantities MAY also be useful in triggering the cell's natural p53 “Guardians of the Genome” function to bind damaged cellular DNA, and signaling for destruction of the cancerous cell by our immune system.
HCQ as a ACE2 receptor disruptor?
If you’ll recall, in Part 2 of The Baric Files, I opened with a mention of discovering that the ACE2 receptor is Zinc-based. Therefore, I ask this question: Could HCQ’s role as a Zinc Ionophore also play a DIRECT ROLE in disrupting that ACE2 receptor that is unique to SARS 1&2 binding? This is in addition to helping intracellular Zinc levels to temporarily increase, blocking the viral RdRP replication mechanism. While I am obviously unqualified to answer that question, it is still one that begs to be asked, studied, and tested. It has important implications in dealing with the continuing SARS-2 endemic on what represents the most multi-functional Zinc Ionophore.
Reviewing the Medcram update 34 video, we see Ralph Baric’s research on Zinc + Ionophores connected to the use of HCQ as the Zinc Ionophore, and the result was the Zelenko Protocol. And in the following meta-study of 36 EARLY treatment studies, we find a 65% reduction in risk from SARS-2/Covid.
https://c19hcq.org/meta.html Note: Chrome browsers seem to HATE this link. I have always had trouble opening it with Chrome. Try the 'Brave' browser.. it has NO problems opening it. (Hmmm…)
So these studies, and the research of Ralph Baric, and actual HUMAN trials by Dr. Zelenko and many others, all combine to reflect the efficacy of the Zinc + HCQ combination, both in potential disruption of ACE2 on the cell membrane, but also for viral RdRP inhibition when administered EARLY in the viral infection. I also came across this Turkish study that implemented the Zelenko Protocol and had amazing results. They also noted that many who were the worst impacted by SARS-2 were very deficient in Vitamin D.
"Our study suggests that the treatment protocol of HCQ, AZM, and zinc with or without vitamin C is safe and effective in the treatment of COVID-19, with high-dose IV vitamin C leading to a significantly quicker recovery.
Importantly, our study confirms vitamin D deficiency to be a high-risk factor for severe COVID-19 disease and hospitalization, with 97% of our study’s patient cohort being vitamin D deficient, 55% of these being severely vitamin D deficient, and none having optimal levels."
Take your Vitamin D.
HCQ as a Zinc “Gun”
Zev Zelenko had a simple analogy for his Ralph Baric-inspired protocol. Zinc represented the antiviral “bullet,” and HCQ was the “gun” that fires it into the cell, increasing its intracellular concentrations. You can carry a bullet around in your pocket, put it in your mouth, up your nose, between your toes, and they won’t fire. Put them in a gun (and properly aim), and it will find its target, RNA viral RdRP. And with HCQ’s other antiviral properties, it works all the better against ACE2 binding RNA viruses like SARS 1/2. HCQ, alone, may or may not be as effective against other RNA viruses, but add the Zinc and you can still hit that RdRP target.
Other Zinc Ionophores?
We touched on Pyrithione, but this article is already lengthy enough. Thus, I will speak on two of the more popular and widely available ones.
The following graph comparing HCQ, EGCG, and Quercetin comes from a study I’ve got buried somewhere in my endless number of bookmarks and haven’t yet located. (Comment if you’re familiar with it). Clearly, EGCG is the closest in potency to actual HCQ as a Zinc Ionophore, which is why I prefer it.
Quercetin has become very popular as a Zinc Ionophore. Normally derived from citrus fruits, apples, onions, parsley, sage, tea, and red wine, it has often brought to mind the old adage, 'an Apple a day keeps the doctor away'. Just how smart were these old doctors, and what were they observing in their patients?
But there is also EGCG, an extract of green tea, widely available (I used to buy mine at Costco, labeled 'Fat Burner', and it was often found near the Zinc Aisle... hmmmm?). It is my preferred over-the-counter Zinc Ionophore. Some assert that just drinking green tea is sufficient, but I opine that we need the concentrated EGCG extract.
Interestingly, there is a study that used Zinc + EGCG against the ruminant bovine PPR RNA virus.
“Zinc sulfate at 1.1 mg/mL and EGCG at 25 μM showed low potentiated and potentiated antiviral activities against PPRV, respectively. These agents caused significant inhibition of PPRV in Vero cells (p < 0.05) with a reduction in logTCID50/mL by up to 3-fold. The combination of EGCG (25 μM) and zinc sulfate (1.1 mg/mL) was observed to have strong antiviral activity (p < 0.01) against PPRV with a reduction in logTCID50/mL of the virus up to 4-times without causing any host cell cytotoxicity.”
RdRP “unifies” all RNA viruses
Wait, you might be saying... that’s a COW Virus!! Yes, young Padawan.. but it’s STILL an RNA Virus that utilizes RdRP to replicate itself. The only major difference between animal RNA viruses is in the RECEPTOR BINDING DOMAINS. RdRP, in animal or human RNA viruses, is similar, if not the same, and it doesn’t mutate much, if at all. Ralph Baric said it best...
“They (RNA Viruses) have evolved a variety of replication strategies, but are unified in the fact that an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) functions as the core enzyme of their RNA-synthesizing machinery.” (Author’s Summary)
Therein lies the BEAUTY of what the (evil?) genius Dr. Ralph Baric discovered in 2010, (yet failed to pursue with animal research). By targeting RdRP, we’re 'going for its testicles' of the RNA virus to halt its replication. We care less about how it binds to the cell or gets RNA inside. We throw a 'Monkey Wrench' into its replicative machinery. And we don’t care if it’s SARS-2, Flu, even the deadly H5N1 Avian strains, Dengue, Measles, Mumps, Rubella.. etc.. They ALL replicate using that same RdRP.
This revelation ALSO opens up a potential Zinc + Ionophore based supplementation in domestic animal feeds, such as our livestock and poultry industries, does it not?
We just need the animal testing to be initiated and completed in living creatures, as they did with Remdesivir. Dr. Baric?? Redemption awaits you.. Or, perhaps, a reduced prison sentence for leaving humanity vulnerable against the RNA viruses upon which you conduct 'gain of function', INCREASING that risk.
Furthermore, these protocols only require increasing Zinc concentrations for a temporary period of time, normally no more than a week, or subsidence of infectious symptoms. Short duration 'Zelenko Protocol' EARLY treatment should not play into any long-lasting damage due to excess Zinc concentrations in the cells.
Furthermore, ONLY the infected need to receive these protocols. There is no longer a need, or justification, for vaccinating healthy individuals with mandated jabs. Prophylaxis and prevention just require being Zinc-sufficient and using occasional natural ionophores. This should help to limit our daily vulnerability to RNA Viruses of ALL TYPES. Zinc sufficiency, especially as we age, could ALSO play a role in mitigating our risk for cancer.
This approach strongly differs from traditional 'whack-a-mole' vaccine strategies, where new annual vaccine formulations are required against 'predicted' mutated strains. In fact, that is the inherent flaw in trying to vaccinate against RNA viruses. They constantly mutate, ever seeking a new way to bind to and penetrate our cells with their RNA.
Dr. Baric was right in 2010. And Dr. Zev Zelenko, and many other physicians, have PROVED, in living patients, that Ralph Baric missed his greatest chance for a Nobel Prize. Instead, he permitted millions to perish from various RNA viruses since 2010 because he couldn’t, I opine, see the $$$.
Closing comments
This culminates The Baric Files, which we dedicate to the memory of Dr. Vladimir 'Zev' Zelenko (R.I.P). We will likely follow up with another free Epilogue article, to tie up any loose ends. You’ve had the opportunity to learn how a member of the National Academy of Sciences, and preeminent RNA viral Gain of Function expert, as well as the man Anthony Fauci, committed perjury, to disavow having ever met, was RESPONSIBLE for an entirely new field of NATURALLY based EARLY treatment for RNA viruses.
As I’ve hinted at previously, our most important article will provide a compelling argument, backed by evidence, that provides the rationale for why EARLY treatment has been demonized. However, for that information, we request a paid subscription. It will include information you’ve likely never heard mentioned before.
We realize a paid subscription of $50 may seem like a lot to ask in these uncertain times and tight budgets. However, we believe what we have to tell you is worth more than a family dinner at your local upscale steakhouse or a few dozen Happy Meals. It is critical information that will impact every person in the near future.
It is our hope that you will join us, learning what we’ve discovered, and finally understand why they were so intent on halting early treatment.
“HCQ is the gun, Zinc is the bullet.” - Dr Zev Zelenko
Note.. just came across this study on EGCG and the p53 protein that acts as a binder against damaged DNA. p53 is the "guardian of the genome" and is ACTIVATED by Zinc (in reasonable RDA amounts, based upon age)..
The EGCG would obviously act as a Zinc ionophore, enabling higher levels of Zinc to enter the cells..
Makes sense, doesn't it?