“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.” - Winston Churchill
Ralph Baric's groundbreaking research on Zinc and Zinc Ionophores as RdRP inhibitors, dating back to 2010, holds immense significance in the realm of early treatment for RNA viruses.
His discoveries, often overshadowed by the focus on Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), underscore the critical role of Zinc in conjunction with Ionophores like HCQ, EGCG, Quercetin, and Pyrithione in inhibiting viral replication.
Despite Baric's remarkable findings, the medical community has largely overlooked the potential of these natural compounds, opting instead for vaccines with uncertain long-term effects.
Early treatment protocols based on Baric's research, as exemplified by Zev Zelenko's success, offer a promising alternative to the current vaccine-centric approach, potentially saving countless lives and mitigating the socioeconomic impact of future viral pandemics.
It is imperative that Baric's name be invoked in discussions surrounding early treatment strategies, and further research into Zinc Ionophores be pursued to combat RNA viruses effectively.
Tonight I finished viewing “Epidemic of Fraud” (free to watch, but donations are well-deserved). Created and produced by John Davidson at “Broken Truth”. It is an EPIC movie, that focuses on the war against HCQ during the early days of the SARS-2 pandemic. John did a great job, and I have no hesitation in recommending people watching it.. You’ll be stunned by some of the revelations. And it should connect the dots, as I did in 2020, on the importance of Baric’s research on Zinc + Ionophores. Read ALL of “The Baric Files” to learn more.
There is little doubt left, I opine, that EARLY treatment with HCQ, by itself, is effective, certainly on ACE2 binding SARS 1&2 viruses, given that ACE2 is Zinc based (as is my hunch).
This is where the importance of Ralph Baric plays in.
Baric discovered that ZINC is a potent anti-viral “bullet”, (Zelenko’s analogy) if it can increase it’s intracellular concentrations using a Zinc Ionophore “gun” to target RNA viral RdRP. HCQ is a is a very potent Zinc Ionophore “gun”, albeit one with its own inherent anti-viral qualities.
Over the past 4 years, I’ve been a seeming sole “voice in the wilderness” in pointing to Baric’s role in inspiring the Zelenko Protocol (Zinc + HCQ.) Despite the focus on HCQ, few people have seemed to grasp the importance that Zinc plays, in combinations with HCQ, to create the more potent EARLY treatment that the Zelenko Protocol represents. It took me two years to finally connect with Zev Zelenko, (Zev mentions my name at approx 31:15 minutes) and he immediately understood the importance of Ralph Baric in his protocol.
While I fully recognize the role of HCQ in EARLY treatment of SARS-2 patients, I can not fathom why I am the only who seems to focus on Baric and/or the use of alternative Zinc Ionophores. Personally speaking, I have no idea if HCQ will prove just as effective against non-SARS RNA Viruses (re: non-ACE2). But I’m pretty damn sure that it will be effective when combined with Zinc, acting as an RdRP inhibitor/blocker. We have the reputation and prestige of the top RNA virus expert, who engaged in Gain of Function on RNA viruses, to back that up (unless Baric was engaged in research fraud, which I highly doubt).
I can not emphasize this enough. Invoking Ralph Baric’s name IS CRITICAL TO ANY discussion of EARLY treatment using (Zinc +) HCQ!!
Whereas Big Pharma can attempt to demonize and disparage HCQ for lack of RCT studies, they CAN NOT disparage the name of Ralph Baric, or his expertise. His very name being involved in Zinc + Zinc Ionophore research in 2010 raises questions that BEG to be answered, both verbally, and via animal and human EARLY treatment testing. Live animal testing of ALL variations of the Zinc + Ionophores protocol needs to be initiated immediately (using HCQ, EGCG, Quercetin, Pyrithione, or any other Zinc Ionophore). Increase the dosing of each combination until confirmation/refutation of RNA viral RdRP inhibition occurs in order to ascertain proper dosing. It should be tested against ALL animal and human RNA viruses, since domestic livestock and poultry are so critical to humanity. Failing to do this represents an immoral crime against humanity.
Baric ALSO created Remdesivir (RDV), which DID undergo EARLY treatment animal testing in April, 2020. This testing was likely the rationale for Dr. Anthony Fauci proposing it’s use, right in front of President Trump, in early May, 2020 as shown in “Epidemic of Fraud”.
Permit me to requote the study, the preprint of which was published in April, 2020:
“Two groups of six rhesus macaques were inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 strain nCoV-WA1-2020. Twelve hours after inoculation, one group was given 10 mg kg−1 intravenous remdesivir and the other group was treated with an equal volume of vehicle solution (2 ml kg−1). Treatment was continued 12 h after the first treatment and every 24 h thereafter with a dose of 5 mg kg−1 remdesivir or an equal volume of vehicle solution (1 ml kg−1).”
That is the very definition of EARLY treatment. I have no idea why Remdesivir, acting as an RdRP inhibitor (like the Zelenko Protocol), would be, under EUA status, administered as LATE TREATMENT in hospitalized patients, given the prior known side effects of the drug. Sadly, in these live tests they sacrificed the Macaques after 7 days to examine their tissues. But read the study.. It clearly showed that EARLY use inhibited the replication of the SARS-2 virus IN VIVO (living animals), and it did it by limiting RdRP replicase. All we lack data from animal testing on long-term side effects.
“However, 12 h after the first remdesivir treatment was administered, the infectious virus titre in BAL was about 100-fold lower in remdesivir-treated animals than in controls. By 3 dpi, infectious virus could no longer be detected in BAL from remdesivir-treated animals, whereas virus was still detected in BAL from four out of six control animals (Fig. 2b).” Note: dpi stands for “days post injection)
Thus, the live animal testing showed that Remdesivir’s RdRP inhibiting qualities decreased SARS-2 viral presence in the lungs by 100-fold lower levels with EARLY treatment, the time when an RdRP inhibitor is MOST EFFECTIVE.
Yet, under it’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), RDV was only given in LATE treatment to hospitalized human patients. Extremely inflamed patients, who’s internal organs had been traumatized by the inflammatory storm from the cascading immune response to the virus. Did tht inflamed status contribute to the alleged adverse, and even lethal, side effects of RDV? You be the judge.
All I’m saying is that with EARLY treatment, it was hugely effective in inhibiting the replication of the virus in live animals, showing that RdRP inhibition works. That said, as the movie “Epidemic of Fraud” clearly shows, it was deadly to those hospitalized patients, likely because it LATE, and not NOT EARLY, as they did with the macaques. That, in my opinion, was a CRIME, and represents MALPRACTICE on the part of those who advocated for RDV.
Why did Baric study Zinc and Zinc Ionophores as RdRP inhibitors?
So we’re left asking, “Why did Ralph Baric conduct his Zinc + Ionophore RdRP inhibiting research?” What led him down this path? Most importantly, why did he choose an all-natural Zinc Ionophore, Pyrithione (an extract of Persian Shallots)? And why, after such STUNNING success, did he not apply the same protocol to live animal testing, as later became the case with RDV?
How many people around the world have died, or been maimed, by RNA viruses since Baric’s amazing findings in 2010? Certainly thousands have needlessly died, and perhaps millions.
Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko conducts the first live tests of Baric’s protocol.
In March, 2020, Zelenko, unwittingly, conducted the FIRST LIVING TESTS of Baric’s research, administering his Zinc + HCQ protocol to HIGH-RISK patients only, reducing their hospitalization rate by 84% over those NOT receiving the Baric based protocol. Zelenko based his protocol off of this video, Medcram Update 34 choosing HCQ over Pyrithione, based upon it’s 2014 discovery to be a Zinc Ionophore. Many other physicians have, since then, added Zinc to various Zinc Ionophores for clinical treatment, but Ralph Baric’s name is seldom, if ever, connected to it. THIS is why Ralph Baric’s name MUST be invoked in the EARLY treatment debate.
It’s also very telling that Baric has omitted his Zinc research from his extensive research resume. (Look at page 7 since it’s in chronological order) I find this a rather odd omission for such an amazing discovery of using NATURAL ingredients to do the SAME THING as Remdesivir!! What do you think? Do you find it odd, as well?
Given Baric’s proven results in 2010, it raises the question as to why are we just focusing on HCQ, when there are other Zinc Ionophores available, many being available Over The Counter? Why not mention the importance of Zinc acting in combination with these other Ionophores? I presented that research has been conduced in goat cells using Zinc + EGCG (an extract of Green Tea) and it showed dramatic success at inhibiting the PPRV RNA Virus. All RNA viruses use RdRP.
“This study confirms that zinc II ions stimulate EGCG to interact with the glycoprotein envelope of the virus and then destroy it. Moreover, zinc possesses inhibitory protease and polymerase activities, both of which inhibit viral replication or the viral maturation process of the viral assembly protein in addition to physical processes, such as virus attachment, infection, and uncoating (Scott et al., 2019).
We must recall that Ralph Baric STATED in his Author’s Summary that:
“Positive-stranded RNA (+RNA) viruses include many important pathogens. They have evolved a variety of replication strategies, but are unified in the fact that an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) functions as the core enzyme of their RNA-synthesizing machinery.”
That means ALL RNA viruses use RdRP to replicate, whether in animal, or human, RNA viruses. And if you can inhibit that RdRP, you can inhibit the virus from replicating in both animals and humans.
So RdRP is the primary target for antiviral action, just as it is with Remdesivir. It is all well and good if HCQ is effective against other targets, such as changing the Ph (alkalinity) of the cell, or interfering (as I suspect) with ACE2 receptor binding, but to target ALL RNA viral RdRP replication is the PRIMARY “holy grail” for Zinc and Zinc Ionophores, whether they be HCQ, EGCG, Quercetin, or even Pyrithione. Baric KNEW this, as proven by Remdesivir being designed to target RdRP.
When the next viral pandemic (“Disease X”) is upon us and infecting humanity, Baric’s findings in 2010 are going to be CRITICAL for prophylaxis and EARLY treatment to block that RNA viral RdRP. And we don’t have to have HCQ, though I believe its one of the most potent of the Zinc Ionophores, based upon Zev Zelenko’s use in his protocol. RdRP inhibition though EARLY treatment holds the key to reducing the reliance on flawed “Whack-a-Mole” vaccine strategies that are losing effective, whether traditional, or mRNA gene therapies.
RdRP inhibitors go for the literal “viral throat” of RNA replication. They don’t pussy foot around with focusing on “training the immune system” to build antibodies. However, I opine that, by reducing viral loading/replication, the immune response to these RNA viruses is more gradual, and perhaps lasting, and less hyper-inflammatory. Rather than our immune system responding against a sneaky “Pearl Harbor” assault that requires immediate “total mobilization and war” by the immune system, RdRP inhibition will result in small skirmishes and NON-inflammatory immune response.
Whether that immune response is lasting is actually irrelevant, I opine. Because if we can inhibit RNA viral replication by EARLY treatment and/or prophylactic prevention, then we don’t need to risk all of humanity with experimental mRNA vaccines”". Furthermore, there will little need for mandated “vaccines”, or travel restrictions, and/or lockdowns. And TRILLONS of dollars of economic, as well as tragic loss of life, will be saved. Money that can be put to better uses that funding Bill Gate’s globalist, vaccine based depopulation agenda. I realize this will upset many Big Pharma CEOs and employees who read this, and that knowledge brings me eternal joy, given what happened to my mother in law.
We have witnessed an unprecedented coverup related to the SARS-2 “vaccines”", including mRNA vaccine injuries and deaths. Though I haven’t mentioned this previously, my mother in law took the Chinese non-mRNA “Sinovac” vaccine, as Indonesia fear-mongered it’s people during the pandemic. Four days after her second injection, she suffered a near mortal Ischemic Stroke that left her half-paralyzed and bedridden, a hollow shell of her former vibrant self. And being in Indonesia, lacking governmental support, or admission of their culpability in pushing “vaccines”, it has placed a heavy financial burden upon all of us to care for her.
That did not have to happen to her, or anyone else if people infected with the virus had been offered EARLY treatment to inhibit the viral replication. I would still have the woman that I love (yes, I got lucky) in my life, not an increasingly frail, dementia ridden individual instinctively clinging to life, despite her paralysis. So if you can afford it, buy me a coffee. Every little bit helps. However, it won’t bring her back to where she deserves to be, enjoying her golden years with her grandchildren. I don’t want this to happen to your loved ones.
We MUST stop the madness of mRNA, or even traditional, vaccination now against RNA viruses!! Smallpox, and other DNA virus vaccines, I don’t (yet) have a problem with until we have an equivalent EARLY treatment protocol. But given Ralph Baric’s research, and Zev Zelenko (and other’s) dramatic results with EARLY treatment (and I include the use of Ivermectin for it’s RdRP binding properties), we just have NO REASON to be vaccinating perfectly healthy individuals with experimental mRNA gene-therapies against RNA viruses when we have viable and effective EARLY treatment options for treating actual sick individuals.
There IS a better way to deal with RNA viruses, in both humans AND LIVESTOCK.
Go for the Viral “throat”.. RdRP. Use different Zinc Ionophores, alone, or in combination (HCQ + EGCG+ Quercetin together in proportional amounts). I take Zinc and EGCG, and Quinine Sulfate. I’ve been sick with a (likely) viral infection 4 times in the past 4 years and kicked their butts within 24 hours of a fever presenting itself. So, I’m a believer!! I actually practice what I preach. But you must become a believer based upon your own experience. And if, as I firmly believe, these mRNA “vaccines” are suppressing our immune response to RNA viruses, it will be even more critical that you test these over-the-counter protocols to apply a RdRP inhibiting protocol.
Which leaves us to ask.. what doses are appropriate? It will VARY for every person, but at the heart of EARLY treatment is that the ingredients are increased for a SHORT PERIOD of time, normally no more than a few days until your fever has dissipated. HOWEVER, I am NOT A DOCTOR. I’m a former Intelligence Analyst who worked with the Iraq Survey Group who experimented on myself and family with variations of these protocols. You will have to do the same to prepare yourselves for what is coming. Don’t count on having access to HCQ, or Ivermectin. Pharma controls it. Thus, regarding a choice of Zinc Ionophores Be Water!! Don’t just “crash” your head into HCQ or Ivermectin:
Do not wait for PCR test results!! Treat EARLY!!
The EARLIER you begin the RdRP inhibiting protocol, the more effective it is. Upon suspicion of exposure to an RNA virus, or feeling symptomatic, begin your protocol. Given how SARS-2 appears to suppress the body’s natural “alarm” system, Interferon response, it may already be replicating inside of your cells,
My protocol for EARLY treatment.
I have used the following RdRP inhibiting protocol formulas, but for no more than a week!! Any longer and you are likely facing a non-RNA viral cause, possibly bacterial in nature, for your symptoms. If your fever isn’t gone within several days, Seek medical care!!
Zinc Sulphate (or equivalent) = 1mg per Kg of body weight divided morning and evening. (eg: If you weight 200lbs take 200mg of Zinc Sulfate)
EGCG = 2-4mg per Kg body weight, in the morning. EGCG has caffeine, so not advisable in the evening. It will light you up!! (200-400mg EGCG for 200lbs of weight)
Quinine Sulfate = 200mg per day. Tonic Water has 83mgs per liter which you can reduce to a powder, by boiling away the water to a more concentrated form, less voluminous quantity. Tedious, but better than the hospital where they will administer Remdesivir.
Vitamin D3 10,000 IU per day. (I am 220 pounds).
Ivermectin (“horse paste” if that is all you have. Basically the rough equivalent of a pinky finger length (but I haven’t used it in the last two infections). Or just dig in an purchase it via available sources. (SHOP AROUND!!) Just tell them you have a scabies infection. The FLCCC has great content on it’s use.
Quercetin (again.. SHOP AROUND!) is also an option as a Zinc Ionophore. Generally less than 1000mgs per day. But again, it should only be required for a few days. It is less potent than EGCG as a Zinc Ionophore.
Prophylaxis against both RNA viruses and cancer (support p53 protein activation)
For prophylaxis/prevention. STAY ZINC SUFFICIENT, following at least the RDA of 8mg per day. Zinc Sulfate only has 25% elemental Zinc, so adjust accordingly. And try to obtain it from natural sources, (oysters, seafood, red meat.. etc) so it’s more readily bioavailable. But don’t think that more is better. Zinc, at high doses, can be toxic and stress you body as it tries to excrete it. Excessive amounts can also chelate you trace Copper. As we age, we are less able to absorb Zinc, so elderly individuals may need more than the RDA. Add a moderate amount of your preferred Zinc Ionophore to help push that Zinc into your cells, say a quarter of the EARLY treatment amount (adjust accordingly to your personal reactions).
STAY VITAMIN D SUFFICIENT. the VAST majority of severe COVID cases were ALL Vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D has long been known to regulate inflammatory immune response. Get out in the Sun, let your body make it naturally though direct (moderate) skin exposure directly to the Sun. 30 minutes per day, no sunscreen. Avoid getting sunburned.
Categories of RNA viruses
Finally, what ARE the known RNA Viruses in animals and humans?? All using RdRP, per Baric. Level 3 and 4 are those that have the most impact on humans:
Be Prepared..
Take action!!
No Fear!!
Again, if you’ve found this information useful for your families and friends, please consider a paid subscription, or fueling more articles by buying me a coffee. It will be deeply appreciated as considerable time goes into researching and writing these informative articles. Just understand I’m not doing this for the money. I’m doing this to help humanity prepare for what is coming next, as well in memory of Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, who DID stumble upon Ralph Baric’s truth and DID NOT just simply walk away as if nothing had happened.
Please email me, Reece, emwoodworth@gmail.com. I’m having a busy week and it might take a little while to respond. Thank you!
Thank you so much for this great article, which I will circulate widely. It is important in so many ways, perhaps the most important is to undermine the mistaken reliance on the vaccine industry.