New reader here. I don't doubt your research and am not saying this is not one to keep a close eye on, but I'm skeptical of this being the next big one, aka covid 2.0, aka disease x, if only because of the timing. It's still so close to pulling off the last heist, things haven't quite cooled off yet, there's still a lot of heat on the perpetrators, at least in terms of people no longer buying into the narrative and heavily doubting/questioning what we were all just subjected to.
However I agree with your assessment that there may be ulterior, secondary motives such as providing justification to cull livestock. Aside from his Big Pharma investments, Bill Gates is now the single largest private owner of farmland in the US, and also heavily invested in Big Ag/Food Tech including lab grown meat companies, so such a scenario would serve his interests equally well.
Additionally, I believe that whereas the vaccine push was a form of bio warfare, shifting gears to keep people off balance as the assault progresses likely makes more sense strategically. Attacking the food supply chain in such a manner (which is already happening on other fronts) is akin to a form of siege warfare, and smoothing the transition over from real food to GMO garbage, to further poison an already weakened populace. However it's always best (in their eyes) for a crisis to encompass multiple objectives if possible, so to that end I could also see it being useful for:
- Providing a revival of fear to help bolster support for the WHO's global pandemic treaty coming up in late May.
- To field test the public response to the next perceived pandemic threat for purposes of war gaming and to further refine their methodologies leading up to the next big one
- Further agitate and stoke Left/Right and other such divisions in advance of the upcoming election
- Keep people locked in fear and a climate of anxiety over such viruses, kind of like the 'forever virus' version of 'forever wars'
There could be many other reasons for introducing a faux, or pseudo, or 'false start' pandemic into the news cycle (e.g. Swine Flu, Ebola, Zika, as prior examples) at this time, to make one a little cautious about calling it too early.
Lastly, spectacular crimes in the nature of Covid-19 or 9/11 are not accomplished without being accompanied (and preceded) by a certain amount of ritual and symbolism. The kind of death toll being talked about here or by those 'elites' (moral degenerates) who are priming the public with talks of 'disease x' would be consonant with real depopulation, or a mass sacrifice to be treated in a ritual manner, which is partly what it's really all about. Crowley who is revered as the 20th Century's greatest occultist said that the coming of the Aeon of Horus would require the world to be 'bathed in blood', and many of these scum are no doubt closet Thelemites. So ritual signs and symbols that convey to the group mind in conjunction with whatever prosaic news items is something I'd also be looking at for cross-confirmation.
This is only my present reading of the situation but I will remain open to new observations and information. Thanks for your contributions and I look forward to reading more.
You make valid points in a "normal" circumstance. But if we look at the distinct possibility that both SARS-2 and the current building H5N1 pandemics are actually about economic and politics, it makes more sense. Call me cynical, but look what happened during the SARS-2 pandemic.. It was used to justify TRILLIONS of dollars in global stimulus spending. It was also used to justify easily manipulated mail-in ballots that quite likely permitted Biden to assert that he had gain more votes than even Obama, all while never really campaigning..
It will be the same now because they have the historical evidence of H5N1 being a very deadly virus with 50% mortality (and likely nearly 100% hospitalization). They are already preparing to roll new mRNA vaccines, that were tested against H5N1 already back in 2012.
It was the discovery of the H5N1 outbreak on those Mink farms that convinced me, last summer, that H5N1 would be "the one that gets our attention this time".. Gates knew, because he was planning it, funding Kawaoka's GOF research on aerosolizing H5N1 using ferrets. Ferrets and Minks are THE KEY indicator, because of their immunological homology to human vulnerabilities to influenza viruses. Just a little genetic "mixing" in those Mink (so they would argue) is what will lead to jump into humans.
But look at where we are economically again.. The entire world is over-leveraged with debt that is going to collapse. Eurodollar debt exposure to China, Europe, Japan.. all leverage to the hilt in these overseas economies, and the SARS-2 stimulus money has run out. So now they need a new reason to spend even more, "for the sake of humanity".
And where will that money go? Right into the pockets of the same people who brought us SARS-2 and Event 201 (Gates, Pharma, and the WEF). They will increasing gain control of even more global wealth, leaving humanity in peonage to them.. (owning nothing, but happy).
But I think they will target the livestock and poultry industry first. And I firmly believe that modified versions of the Zelenko Protocol can provide RdRP inhibitory benefits IF those animals are prophylaxed, or treated early.. protecting the remainder of the herd/flocks, and saving them from being culled, and our having to eat their vitamin/mineral deficient laboratory grown meat. This zoonotic narrative creation may take more time than they assigned to the "west market" BS narrative they gaslit us with. It will be more difficult to dispute.
But it's STILL an RNA virus, and as Ralph Baric points out, they are ALL "unified" by their use of RdRP.
Thus, when you start understanding these are "plandemics" with the final goal being global control over resources, wealth, and people, living in fear of a deadly virus they predicted both in October, 2019, and now in January, 2024 (Disease X) the pieces fall into place in a more logical form..
It's sinister. It's something right out of a Jame Bond novel.. SPECTRE.. etc.. But I believe that it's real, and they control the media..
We shall see. The kleptocrats overplayed their hand with CV-19. If they do try to pull off another one of the same scale and scope within four years before the dust has fully settled they will have so badly overplayed their hand there will be no coming back from it, and that would actually give me cause for hope. That would indicate to me that they've cut the brakes and are going for broke. Many more people were badly hurt by CV-19 than have been vocal about it, and who are just trying to get on with their lives hoping things go back to some semblance of normalcy, but under such a scenario I anticipate good people everywhere coming out of the woodwork in droves to form a massive bulwark against authoritarian overreach rather than relive the same nightmare again.
I've long opined that they are "going for all the marbles" this time. They wouldn't dare to unleash such a pathogen without being prepared to follow through with a concerted strike to capture the global gov'ts and economy..
I realize this sounds a bit "tin foil hatted", but if I were in their place, it's what I would do. I wouldn't hold back because they are already heavily committed.
Fortunately, there is something that everyone can do in their daily lives to mitigate and prepare for this risk.
I welcome you (not being pushy, or anything), to become a paid subscriber and later this month I will be telling you what you can do to confront the fear-mongering, and perhaps put Big Pharma and it's puppet masters on the defensives.
Have you read "The Baric Files" series yet? In not, you really should..
Please give facts and references to support the article.
The links are in hyperlinked within the article.
If you have any additional questions please let us know.
Thanks for reading!!
New reader here. I don't doubt your research and am not saying this is not one to keep a close eye on, but I'm skeptical of this being the next big one, aka covid 2.0, aka disease x, if only because of the timing. It's still so close to pulling off the last heist, things haven't quite cooled off yet, there's still a lot of heat on the perpetrators, at least in terms of people no longer buying into the narrative and heavily doubting/questioning what we were all just subjected to.
However I agree with your assessment that there may be ulterior, secondary motives such as providing justification to cull livestock. Aside from his Big Pharma investments, Bill Gates is now the single largest private owner of farmland in the US, and also heavily invested in Big Ag/Food Tech including lab grown meat companies, so such a scenario would serve his interests equally well.
Additionally, I believe that whereas the vaccine push was a form of bio warfare, shifting gears to keep people off balance as the assault progresses likely makes more sense strategically. Attacking the food supply chain in such a manner (which is already happening on other fronts) is akin to a form of siege warfare, and smoothing the transition over from real food to GMO garbage, to further poison an already weakened populace. However it's always best (in their eyes) for a crisis to encompass multiple objectives if possible, so to that end I could also see it being useful for:
- Providing a revival of fear to help bolster support for the WHO's global pandemic treaty coming up in late May.
- To field test the public response to the next perceived pandemic threat for purposes of war gaming and to further refine their methodologies leading up to the next big one
- Further agitate and stoke Left/Right and other such divisions in advance of the upcoming election
- Keep people locked in fear and a climate of anxiety over such viruses, kind of like the 'forever virus' version of 'forever wars'
There could be many other reasons for introducing a faux, or pseudo, or 'false start' pandemic into the news cycle (e.g. Swine Flu, Ebola, Zika, as prior examples) at this time, to make one a little cautious about calling it too early.
Lastly, spectacular crimes in the nature of Covid-19 or 9/11 are not accomplished without being accompanied (and preceded) by a certain amount of ritual and symbolism. The kind of death toll being talked about here or by those 'elites' (moral degenerates) who are priming the public with talks of 'disease x' would be consonant with real depopulation, or a mass sacrifice to be treated in a ritual manner, which is partly what it's really all about. Crowley who is revered as the 20th Century's greatest occultist said that the coming of the Aeon of Horus would require the world to be 'bathed in blood', and many of these scum are no doubt closet Thelemites. So ritual signs and symbols that convey to the group mind in conjunction with whatever prosaic news items is something I'd also be looking at for cross-confirmation.
This is only my present reading of the situation but I will remain open to new observations and information. Thanks for your contributions and I look forward to reading more.
Hi Michael, thanks for becoming a member!!
You make valid points in a "normal" circumstance. But if we look at the distinct possibility that both SARS-2 and the current building H5N1 pandemics are actually about economic and politics, it makes more sense. Call me cynical, but look what happened during the SARS-2 pandemic.. It was used to justify TRILLIONS of dollars in global stimulus spending. It was also used to justify easily manipulated mail-in ballots that quite likely permitted Biden to assert that he had gain more votes than even Obama, all while never really campaigning..
It will be the same now because they have the historical evidence of H5N1 being a very deadly virus with 50% mortality (and likely nearly 100% hospitalization). They are already preparing to roll new mRNA vaccines, that were tested against H5N1 already back in 2012.
It was the discovery of the H5N1 outbreak on those Mink farms that convinced me, last summer, that H5N1 would be "the one that gets our attention this time".. Gates knew, because he was planning it, funding Kawaoka's GOF research on aerosolizing H5N1 using ferrets. Ferrets and Minks are THE KEY indicator, because of their immunological homology to human vulnerabilities to influenza viruses. Just a little genetic "mixing" in those Mink (so they would argue) is what will lead to jump into humans.
But look at where we are economically again.. The entire world is over-leveraged with debt that is going to collapse. Eurodollar debt exposure to China, Europe, Japan.. all leverage to the hilt in these overseas economies, and the SARS-2 stimulus money has run out. So now they need a new reason to spend even more, "for the sake of humanity".
And where will that money go? Right into the pockets of the same people who brought us SARS-2 and Event 201 (Gates, Pharma, and the WEF). They will increasing gain control of even more global wealth, leaving humanity in peonage to them.. (owning nothing, but happy).
But I think they will target the livestock and poultry industry first. And I firmly believe that modified versions of the Zelenko Protocol can provide RdRP inhibitory benefits IF those animals are prophylaxed, or treated early.. protecting the remainder of the herd/flocks, and saving them from being culled, and our having to eat their vitamin/mineral deficient laboratory grown meat. This zoonotic narrative creation may take more time than they assigned to the "west market" BS narrative they gaslit us with. It will be more difficult to dispute.
But it's STILL an RNA virus, and as Ralph Baric points out, they are ALL "unified" by their use of RdRP.
Thus, when you start understanding these are "plandemics" with the final goal being global control over resources, wealth, and people, living in fear of a deadly virus they predicted both in October, 2019, and now in January, 2024 (Disease X) the pieces fall into place in a more logical form..
It's sinister. It's something right out of a Jame Bond novel.. SPECTRE.. etc.. But I believe that it's real, and they control the media..
We shall see. The kleptocrats overplayed their hand with CV-19. If they do try to pull off another one of the same scale and scope within four years before the dust has fully settled they will have so badly overplayed their hand there will be no coming back from it, and that would actually give me cause for hope. That would indicate to me that they've cut the brakes and are going for broke. Many more people were badly hurt by CV-19 than have been vocal about it, and who are just trying to get on with their lives hoping things go back to some semblance of normalcy, but under such a scenario I anticipate good people everywhere coming out of the woodwork in droves to form a massive bulwark against authoritarian overreach rather than relive the same nightmare again.
I've long opined that they are "going for all the marbles" this time. They wouldn't dare to unleash such a pathogen without being prepared to follow through with a concerted strike to capture the global gov'ts and economy..
I realize this sounds a bit "tin foil hatted", but if I were in their place, it's what I would do. I wouldn't hold back because they are already heavily committed.
Fortunately, there is something that everyone can do in their daily lives to mitigate and prepare for this risk.
I welcome you (not being pushy, or anything), to become a paid subscriber and later this month I will be telling you what you can do to confront the fear-mongering, and perhaps put Big Pharma and it's puppet masters on the defensives.
Have you read "The Baric Files" series yet? In not, you really should..