"Disease X" appears to be confirmed as H5N1 Avian.
Signs that the narrative for the next "plandemic" are already being laid.
MIB has been developing the case for some time that H5N1 Avian Influenza would eventually be unleashed upon the globe. First discovered in 1997 in Hong Kong, H5N1 is an RNA virus that has killed over 50% of the nearly 900 people who have contracted it. This past summer, clear signs were evident that a growing media and political narrative was being created in advance of unleashing the next 'plandemic.'
Prior to 2009, H5N1 infection required actual physical contact with infected birds via their meat, feces, or bodily fluids, which kept infectivity rates low. However, in 2009, H5N1 Gain of Function conducted at the University of Wisconsin by Dr. Yoshiro Kawaoka was funded by the Bill Gates Foundation. Laboratory Ferrets were used to 'passage' the virus between animals, resulting in the airborne transmission of the virus. This made it as transmissible as the common Flu virus, as well as SARS-2.
In January 2024, at the WEF conference in Davos, Switzerland, one of the primary topics of their meeting was the discussion of an impending pandemic they referred to as 'Disease X,' which 'could be' up to 20x worse than SARS-2. Based upon the collected evidence, our belief that they were preparing to unleash H5N1 upon the world in a far more horrifying sequel to the SARS-2 Plandemic was further confirmed. The narrative of bird to animal zoonotic transmission had been well-crafted, as they learned from their mistakes with the openly refuted 'wet market' narrative for SARS-2. They have genetically designed (or feigned) infections not just in birds and domestic poultry, but also minks (related to Ferrets), sea lions, dogs, raccoons, and now, dairy cows. And in just recent days, apparently a man in the state of Texas contracted the first known case of confirmed H5N1 Avian from one of those cows.
But what has created the urgency of this article is that, apparently, President Biden has been 'briefed' on this case of H5N1, which is a sign that it will soon become a daily narrative in our daily lives.
And if you think the fear-mongering and restrictive control measures were bad during the SARS-2 plandemic, the WEF just said 'hold my beer.' You ain’t seen nothing yet. But we also have some insight on how they will respond to this 'threat' they are creating to, once again, lock down the globe and force governments to transfer TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars into the hands of the 1%, all without legal consequence. In fact, there is a growing case that these viral pandemics are primarily a vehicle for just such wealth transfer.
Look at your friends and family in your mind’s eye and imagine half of them gone within the first waves of H5N1... no longer part of your life, or this world. In the initial waves/mutations of this virus, it is very possible that over 1 billion people on this planet may die from a full-fledged H5N1 airborne transmissible outbreak.
Ponder that before continuing to read this article.
We hope by now the reader has thoroughly invested in the previous series of articles that constitute 'The Baric Files.' If not, you REALLY NEED TO DO SO FIRST. Start here first and keep reading. Some of it may seem tedious, but hey... I’m not a professional writer. I’m a former Intelligence Analyst, and we’re a bit geeky and not accustomed to 'fluffy' writing. We connect data points upon which our leaders base their decisions."
Types of Avian Flu that have “crossed over” to infect humans.
“Although a multitude of different avian influenza A viruses have been isolated, only three (H1N1, H2N2 and H3N2) have been able to adapt for airborne transmission in the human population and these viruses have led to influenza pandemics. To circulate in the human population, an avian influenza virus has to acquire the ability to bind human receptors and lose affinity for avian receptors before being able to transmit from human to human.”
But there is a type of “yin and yang” that Avian viruses utilize to avoid immune suppression/destruction:
“Influenza A virions possess two surface glycoproteins—the hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA)—which exert opposite functions. HA attaches virions to cells by binding to terminal sialic acid residues on glycoproteins/glycolipids to initiate the infectious cycle, while NA cleaves terminal sialic acids, releasing virions to complete the infectious cycle. Antibodies specific for HA or NA can protect experimental animals from IAV pathogenesis and drive antigenic variation in their target epitopes that impairs vaccine effectiveness in humans.”
The difference in these glycoprotein combinations are what give us the labels “H1N1, H2N2, H5N1 and H3N2.. etc, etc”.
All represent different “lock-picking” combinations that permit the Virion to bind to, and infect the cells. HA stands for Hydrosylic Acid. It is a major glycoprotein that is expressed on the outside of our cells, and factor in many functions, including cell to cell signaling, recognition, and attachment to one another. This makes them a lucrative target for an invading “Influenza A” strain of RNA virus, and partially explains why they can be prolific in lung infection, where the HA glycoproteins are more concentrated.
“HA regulates several aspects of tissue repair, including activation of inflammatory cells to enhance immune response46-48 and the response to injury of fibroblasts49,50 and epithelial cells.51-55 HA also provides the framework for blood vessel formation7,45 and fibroblast migration,56,57 that may be involved in tumor progression.58 The correlation of HA levels on the cell surface of cancer cells with the aggressiveness of tumors has also been reported.59 “
This will be the unique pathway by which H5N1 will bind and infect our cells as well, with its unique genetic lock picking set.
The importance of Ferrets in Influenza research.
In 2009, Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka conducted Gain of Function experiments on the already deadly virus, using laboratory Ferrets to “passage” a genetically altered version of H5N1 between them without physical contact being necessary. This was an unprecedented “advancement” in infectivity, demonstrating that H5N1 could be aerosolized-made airborne transmissible. And it was financed, in part, by a $9.5 million grant from the Bill Gates Foundation.
“To facilitate early recognition, Kawaoka and his colleagues will look for mutations in viral proteins that allow avian influenza viruses to bind to human receptors or facilitate efficient replication in human cells.”
A number of Ferrets were individually housed in separate cages, sharing only common atmosphere. Ferrets inoculated with H5N1 were eventually able to transmit that virus between them, thus achieving airborne transmissibility. And if the Ferret can catch that Flu virus, then so can humans. Say good-bye to your pet ferrets, and good luck buying on in the local pet stores as they disappear as they did in February, 2020 in my local town.
This, and similar research conducted by Dr. Ron Fouchier, at Erasmus University in the Netherlands launched a hell storm of criticism from their scientific peers. Fellow scientists were outraged that they had conducted these experiments. Eventually, it led to a temporary moratorium on Gain of Function, which only lasted a few years before it was “game on” again. Too much money was involved, apparently, which it what kind of got us into the SARS-2 plandemic, right?
Minks = Ferrets
Last summer, I happened across some interesting articles on H5N1 Avian outbreaks in Mink farms in Spain and Finland which led to the culling of thousands of the poor animals. Of course, knowing of the Gain of Function experiments, combined with the close genetic relationship between Ferrets and Minks could only conclude that “someone” had succeeded in replicating these experiments. Afterall, why Minks? Sure, they could be fed infected bird meat, but I found it odd that the outbreaks occurred in such widely spaced countries. Maybe it was just a convenient “coincidence”, right?
I tweeted about this discovery on September 1st, 2023 and outlined the potential connection to Kawaoka and Fouchier’s experiments, as well as financing by the Gates Foundation. But it was still a hypothesis/theory. Just “convenient”. My gut was telling me that this was the one that “would get our attention this time” (Bill Gates quote). And Bill would know, right? After all, he financed it and he’s ready to turn us all into “jab rats” with his mRNA gene therapies.. errr.. “vaccines” on which he will render a 20x profit on his investments. And while I had known about Kawaoka and Fouchier’s experiments since February, 2020, it was this fine young man, Christian “Ice Age Farmer” Westbrook did some yeoman level research in this video detailing Bill Gates connection to H5N1 Avian Gain of Function.
If Cows could fly..
Which leads us to the reason for rushing to put out this article, which has been lurking, incomplete, in my drafts section for a few weeks while I focus on other writing priorities.
In Texas, apparently a dairyman contracted H5N1 Avian from an infected COW and is the second American in history to ever be infected with H5N1. Now sit back and dwell upon this revelation for a moment. They have a sick cow. WHO decided that they needed to test that cow for H5N1, when it’s not normally associated with bovine animals? And WHO made the decision to test this man for H5N1, rather than SARS-2, or any of the other lesser pathogenic Avian influenza? H5N1 is so rarely seen outside of poultry farms, it raises questions as to why such a test for H5N1 was conducted in the first place since the patient didn’t seem to indicate any serious symptoms at that moment?
See where I’m going with this?
The KEY INDICATOR that was most interesting is that POTUS Biden was personally briefed on the case. A dairy man who apparently was only mildly sick at that moment (if reports can be believed), but had to be tested for H5N1 instead of the 180 other RNA Viruses.
If that isn’t “narrative building”, or a “starting signal”, I don’t know what else is.
This raises the entire H5N1 pandemic issue to a national level, and signals, IMO, permission for the MSM to start bringing attention to it. I believe this is just the start of presenting the case for mass culling of infected animals, or even those that have been in close proximity to an infected animal.
Believe it, or not, we were having Bird flu, and other unspecified viral outbreaks in the meat industry all throughout the SARS-2 epidemic. 2020 .. 2021.. 2022… 2023.. etc. But if anyone caught the Bird Flu from those outbreaks, no one “briefed the President”.
But because everyone was being PCR tested for SARS-2, and not H5N1., or H7N9 (another deadly version), no known cases of it were reported. Only SARS-2/COVID every day, all the time, and even traditional lesser virulent Flu strains that we deal with every Flu season seemed to disappear from the news..
But a dairyman catches a mild case of H5N1 from a cow, and the President is briefed the following week, likely wile still in his pajamas.
To the Men In Black, this is THE SIGNAL to launch “Disease X” upon the world. And it will in our opinion, not immediate jump into humans. It will be used as a tool to cull our meat industry first, in a “vain” attempt to stop the spread of H5N1 (blaming “climate change”, perhaps as icing on the cake). And then, a “convenient” zoonotic leap into humans in a clearly airborne transmissible form will be step two. Then the REAL culling will begin.
Either way, Big Pharma can look forward to copious amounts of money being thrust in their direction to create a “wonder vaccine” against it.. And EVERYONE will have be a “jab rat” and get it in order to travel and work, when they aren’t in lockdown. And of course, dehumanizing masking policies will be mandated once again for our children, as well as for the rest of us.
So if you like your eggs, fried chicken, and red meat, you might want to consider freezing some scramble eggs, and meat. Because we think it just “got real”.
And if you want to know how to stop RNA Viral infections, to include H5N1, through EARLY treatment, go back and read The Baric Files. There are tons of documented links contained with in them to help you understand what to do.
And if you happen to be a farmer or rancher, you might want to attempt a modified version of the Zelenko Protocol, and/or administer Ivermectin as EARLY treatment to block the viral replication. The EARLIER, the better, upon presentation of symptoms. If it works in an animal, it will likely work in humans as well. I’ll try and update my research on potential animal friendly protocols in a future article.
The looming risk posed by H5N1 Avian Influenza as a potential global pandemic is examined, delving into recent events indicating a heightened level of concern surrounding this issue. A thorough analysis of the genetic alterations made to the virus to enable airborne transmission is provided, tracing the origins of this research back to experiments conducted at the University of Wisconsin and Erasmus University, with funding from entities like the Bill Gates Foundation. The potential motivations and agendas of powerful entities, such as the World Economic Forum, in relation to the perceived threat of H5N1, are explored. Additionally, early treatment and mitigation efforts, including the consideration of existing protocols like the Zelenko Protocol and the use of Ivermectin, are discussed.
Please give facts and references to support the article.
New reader here. I don't doubt your research and am not saying this is not one to keep a close eye on, but I'm skeptical of this being the next big one, aka covid 2.0, aka disease x, if only because of the timing. It's still so close to pulling off the last heist, things haven't quite cooled off yet, there's still a lot of heat on the perpetrators, at least in terms of people no longer buying into the narrative and heavily doubting/questioning what we were all just subjected to.
However I agree with your assessment that there may be ulterior, secondary motives such as providing justification to cull livestock. Aside from his Big Pharma investments, Bill Gates is now the single largest private owner of farmland in the US, and also heavily invested in Big Ag/Food Tech including lab grown meat companies, so such a scenario would serve his interests equally well.
Additionally, I believe that whereas the vaccine push was a form of bio warfare, shifting gears to keep people off balance as the assault progresses likely makes more sense strategically. Attacking the food supply chain in such a manner (which is already happening on other fronts) is akin to a form of siege warfare, and smoothing the transition over from real food to GMO garbage, to further poison an already weakened populace. However it's always best (in their eyes) for a crisis to encompass multiple objectives if possible, so to that end I could also see it being useful for:
- Providing a revival of fear to help bolster support for the WHO's global pandemic treaty coming up in late May.
- To field test the public response to the next perceived pandemic threat for purposes of war gaming and to further refine their methodologies leading up to the next big one
- Further agitate and stoke Left/Right and other such divisions in advance of the upcoming election
- Keep people locked in fear and a climate of anxiety over such viruses, kind of like the 'forever virus' version of 'forever wars'
There could be many other reasons for introducing a faux, or pseudo, or 'false start' pandemic into the news cycle (e.g. Swine Flu, Ebola, Zika, as prior examples) at this time, to make one a little cautious about calling it too early.
Lastly, spectacular crimes in the nature of Covid-19 or 9/11 are not accomplished without being accompanied (and preceded) by a certain amount of ritual and symbolism. The kind of death toll being talked about here or by those 'elites' (moral degenerates) who are priming the public with talks of 'disease x' would be consonant with real depopulation, or a mass sacrifice to be treated in a ritual manner, which is partly what it's really all about. Crowley who is revered as the 20th Century's greatest occultist said that the coming of the Aeon of Horus would require the world to be 'bathed in blood', and many of these scum are no doubt closet Thelemites. So ritual signs and symbols that convey to the group mind in conjunction with whatever prosaic news items is something I'd also be looking at for cross-confirmation.
This is only my present reading of the situation but I will remain open to new observations and information. Thanks for your contributions and I look forward to reading more.