Self-Amplifying mRNA.. Part 1
Let's transfect you with a viral copy machine, and what you can do about it.
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In the reasoning for initiating the Men in Black Substack account, everything in “The Baric Files” leads up to the critical revelation you are about to read. It is, based upon its compelling financial logic on the part of the Big Pharma grifters, the Bill Gates foundation, GAVI, WHO, and very likely the the WEF, all of whom have their fingerprints smeared all over the pandemic. They played an active role in the governmental coordination to the pandemic, , and quite possibly the actual bio-engineering and release of the actual virus, itself.
I opine that they knew of the risks of synthetic mRNA “vaccines” and hid them, possibly because they had already been working on something to replace them for 20 years. The Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” were possibly just a “stop-gap” measure rolled out due to the inadvertent (or deliberate?) release/advent of SARS-2 in Wuhan. There are also likely economic reasons for this, hopefully to be covered in a future article. But suffice it to say, fighting a pandemic is comparable to putting a country on a war footing, requiring tremendous expenditures financed by trillions in additional governmental debt. Debt that ultimately ends up in the pockets of those who profit from the carnage of war, whether it be armed military conflict or biological warfare. If you need to boost your country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) numbers, you increase governmental spending. And that is EXACTLY what occurred in response to the SARS-2 pandemic.
Follow the money.
In this article, you will learn about the new Self-Amplifying mRNA (sa-mRNA) “vaccines” which are, as I write this, being rolled out as the next mRNA vaccine technology. But one that has a serious vulnerability you will want to understand so you can defend yourselves against them.
Self Amplifying mRNA (sa-mRNA) vaccines are gene therapy products that uses viral RdRP (Replicase) to function. The VERY same RdRP that “wild” RNA Viruses utilize for replication within our cells. And if you’ve read “The Baric Files”, then you realize that any protocol that might disrupt RdRP would also neutralize the utility of these “vaccines”. This would represent the potential loss of Billions of dollars, and years of research. Thus, the Zelenko Protocol (Zinc + HCQ) and it’s RdRP binding alternative HAD to be suppressed. If it can inhibit the replication of wild RNA viruses, then it can ALSO inhibit the replication of their new self-amplifying mRNA jabs.
Let me repeat that for emphasis. The Zelenko Protocol was a threat to sa-mRNA vaccine technology because it is an RdRP inhibitor, ad sa-mRNA vaccines utilize RdRP to function.
The same can be said for Ivermectin, with it’s RdRP “binding” qualities. Ivermectin, I opine, was a “threat” to sa-mRNA “vaccines”, not because of it’s anti-inflammatory qualities, but because of its potential for inhibiting RdRP.
In Part 2, yo will learn about the major players in the sa-mRNA industry and how close they are to rolling them out. One of these companies has already formed a joint venture to manufacture 1 Billion (with a “B”) dosages per year!!
We will also raise the question on how would we know if mRNA and sa-mRNA formulations were mixed in together, and MIGHT that be a POTENTIAL causation for lingering Spike protein in long-covid patients?
In understanding how RNA viruses function, permit us a ‘quick and dirty’ review for the unwashed masses (of which this writer was one just a few years ago).
Two Types of major viruses:
There are DNA Viruses, which must enter the cell’s nucleus to replicate. in order to replicate. Examples of DNA viruses are Smallpox, Chickenpox, Hepatitis B, and Warts. As they possess DNA, they have genetic “proof-reading” mechanisms to limit mutations and preserve genetic stability of their DNA. Thus, their mutations are much slower, or non-existent.
RNA Viruses lack this proof-reading capability, making them highly prone to constant mutations and/or recombination with other viruses present within the cells. Most of these mutations fail to add anything to their pathogenicity, but every once in awhile, these genetic “roll of the dice” increase their ability to infect cells in a superior, or difference manner.
As they seek the proper “keys” to unlock cellular receptors, it’s comparable to a burglar with a dump truck full of keys, trying each one at a time, and if it fails to work, the key gets thrown away, with the thief trying different ones until locating that that one ‘special key’ that gains them access to the premises, the cell’s cytoplasm. Maybe not the best description, but I believe the reader can understand the analogy.
All viruses must also bind to a cellular receptor.
Cellular receptors are:
“proteins either inside a cell or on its surface which receive a signal. In normal physiology, this is a chemical signal where a protein-ligand binds a protein receptor. The ligand is a chemical messenger released by one cell to signal either itself or a different cell. The binding results in a cellular effect, which manifests as any number of changes in that cell, including altering gene transcription or translation or changing cell morphology.”
For SARS 1&2, that “lock” is the ACE2 receptor. In other viruses, such as Influenza, that lock is the HA receptor
How current mRNA “vaccines” work.
In our cells, RNA Polymerase is an enzyme that is responsible for copying a DNA sequence into an RNA sequence, during the process of transcription. As complex molecule composed of protein subunits, RNA polymerase controls the process of transcription, during which the information stored in a molecule of DNA is copied into a new molecule of messenger RNA.”
That natural mRNA then gets transcribed/translated by the cellular Ribsomes to be synthesized into proteins. Ribosomes are the cellular “factory” where the actual transcription/translation from mRNA into protein combinations occurs.
Think of this process like a 3D-Protein printer. It requires the design instructions, and then the operating system (O/S) interface with the actual mechanical 3D printer, which creates the desired object (protein). The instructions are inputted into the printer O/S, which musters the necessary ingredients, in the biological scenario, amino acid, and then “prints” the desired protein.
Both Biontech/Pfizer, and Moderna, mRNA vaccines provide the synthetic mRNA code, for producing the SARS-2 Synthetic Spike (Syn-spike), or other desired viral binding protein. That mRNA uses the cellular Ribosomes, which are analogous to the mechanical 3D printer, to convert their synthetic mRNA of a singular syn-viral protein, like the SARS-2 “spike” protein. This is the protein that will be “expressed” to the body’s immune system. This technology forces the body’s Ribosomes to manufacture a single viral protein, rather than the full RNA viral genetic sequence. Implicitly, that holds many logical risks associated with it, of which we may only now be discovering the ramifications.
For example, since that viral protein will embed itself into the cellular membrane, will the body grow to accept that singular Spike protein as a part of its natural biological make-up, and not as not as a full viral genome? After all, whole virions do not embed within the cellular membrane. They pass through it, a process called “viral budding” into the surrounding cellular interstitial gaps between the cells, or into the blood stream directly (with endothelial blood vessel cells). Or upon the cells destruction, the cellular load of viruses are unleashed.
The SARS-2 virus has 29 proteins, many of which are shared by other RNA viruses. Using only a single viral protein to trigger the innate, or adaptive, immune response is comparable to trying to identify the image in a jigsaw puzzle, based upon seeing only one of the 29 total piece of it. These represent proteins that the human immune system has already “learned” (imprinted) to recognize by previous exposure to them from other viral infections. The more pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that are put together, the clearer the image is to our own eyes and brain, right? How can this be any different for our immune system? It needs only to identify the new binding Spike protein to complete the puzzle. However, these proteins are not expressed with the mRNA “vaccines”. Thus, how can limiting the number of viral proteins elicit a robust immune response, when compared to a full 29 protein virion? Could it, in fact, limit our immune response by not providing a clear image of the total viral “picture”?
Might having a singular viral protein merge into the cellular membrane lead to a diminished immune response? This is not a natural process for viral replication, so might it lead to a diminished immune response to an antigenic viral protein? We still do not, based upon my research, fully understand the signals that various proteins send that tell the immune system, “hey, I belong here.. don’t attack me!!”. Furthermore, such singular viral proteins may ‘clump’ together, possibly raising the risk of misfolding, leading to prion creation. If one misfolded protein prion makes contact with another, it can cause that protein to misfold as well. This will become potentially significant later on.
I can’t help but question whether this is a similar problem with our immune response. If the immune system is “trained” to only see one small part of a viral protein structure, this conflicts with natural immune responses developed over eons of viral exposure. This is a problem, I opine, with ALL mRNA “vaccines”. Our body’s immune response evolved to combat complete viruses, not just one protein, even if one of those proteins elicits an immune response. And this appears to be an increasing concern with those who received the mRNA shots/boosters, demonstrating increase production of IgG4 antibodies. Though this is for a future article, in sum, IgG4 is a “calming” antibody that reduces immune response to a particular antigen. In effect, the immune system sees the that antigen (Spike) as non-threatening, and actually reduces its immune response to it:
“IgG4 is considered to be non-inflammatory and tolerance inducing, due to its unique structure. However, in IgG4-RD this antibody plays a pathogenic role in activation of the fibrinogenesis and of the inflammatory process; there are also suggestions that it may be a marker of an abnormal inflammatory response.”
Thus, abnormal levels of IgG4 antibodies can actually reduce your body’s ability to clear those singular viral proteins created by the “normal”, one-use mRNA instructions. And recent research appears to indicate that the more mRNA boosters you receive, the greater the production of IgG4 antibodies, which can have tremendous ramifications on both anti-viral immune defense, but potentially on the facilitation of fast-growing cancerous tumors. What will be the result when those singular viral proteins are replicated multiple times?
Enter Self-Amplifying mRNA (sa-mRNA, also called Self-Replicating mRNA sr-mRNA. “vaccines”.
I strongly urge the reader to watch the following video for a visual explanation of how the sa-mRNA “vaccines” work from Dr. Mobeen Syed. Dr. Been, as he likes to be called, is a well known medical educator, who has a knack for making complex topics understandable, despite his sometimes thick accent.
The following graph shows a comparison of the 3 mRNA style “vaccines” and their mechanisms:
Please note the “RdRP Complex” shown in the image above. If you’ve read “The Baric Files” (if you haven’t yet, you really should), then the light bulb probably just went off in your skull, as it did for me the first time I saw this article and image above.
These sa-mRNA “vaccines” utilize a natural viral RdRP complex, derived from a virus that has stripped of everything but that RdRP. This provides it the capability perform MULTIPLE copying of the mRNA synthetic viral protein instructions for the desired SINGULAR viral protein. And they can continue doing over and over for a longer period of time. How many replications is unknown by this writer. The current mRNA “vaccines” can only be transcribed/translated ONCE, and then that mRNA instruction set will dissolve into the cellular cytoplasm.
The belief is that this self-replication capability will mean a smaller “vaccine” dosage will be require less quantity of injected mRNA to achieve the same immune response. However, as with the synthetic mRNA proteins, it only creates the singular desired antigenic protein, not the full virus, meaning it will likely share the same suspected adverse events. But it opens up the question of what will prolonged production of singular antigenic proteins do to our immune response? Will it cause even more IgG4 antibodies to be produced, resulting in dysfunction of the immune response? Potentially an even great susceptibility to cancerous tumorus? The mounting evidence with current mRNA “vaccines” seem to make this a logical question that needs to be asked.
The Zelenko Protocol, as well as Ivermectin, disrupts/binds that RdRP complex, preventing RNA viral replication.
If it works against the “natural” RNA viral RdRP, then it will very likely disrupt the RdRP/Replicon backbone of these new sa-mRNA “vaccines” utilize. “Vaccines” that they’ve spent decades, and millions of dollars to develop!!
Does that sound like a VERY COMPELLING reason to demonize RdRP inhibiting EARLY treatment protocols and/or drugs?
I am making just such an argument.
Recap: What have we learned, thus far?
I pray the reader now understands the significance of why EARLY treatment RdRP inhibiting protocols HAD TO BE SUPPRESSED? Big Pharma stands to lose BILLIONS of dollars if their new sa-mRNA “vaccines are NEUTRALIZED by Zinc + HCQ, or even natural Ionophores like EGCG, or Quercetin and/or Ivermectin!! “Vaccines” that have been in the R&D pipeline for over 20 years!
That knowledge of what we can do to neutralize them through EARLY treatment/prophylaxis represents action we ALL can take to prevent harm from the next round of “mandated” sa-mRNA “vaccines”!!! If they are foisted upon in the next ‘Plandemic’ emergency, applying the Zelenko protocol before, during, and for a period after, your “sa-mRNA jab, will VERY LIKELY NEUTALIZE ITS FUNCTION, keeping you safe from any any of its adverse effects.
Furthermore, you are now armed with the knowledge of how to directly use EARLY treatment if you become infected with an RNA virus.
However, there remains the issue of the Lipid Nano-Particles (LNP) in which the mRNA/sa-mRNA will be delivered into our cells. Research on the dangers of these LNP remains ongoing. Additionally, within these LNPs, the potential lies for other contaminants to be surreptitiously included. So sole dependence upon RdRP inhibitors (Zinc + HCQ, EGCG, Quercetin.. etc), the Zelenko Protocol can not be a 100% guarantee against potential adverse effects. But it should certainly be effective in inhibiting any replication of the sa-mRNA specific antigen.
Read “The Baric Files”!!!
In general, ensure that you remain Zinc sufficient according to your age and risk profile. If uncertain, consult your physician. But even though serum (blood) tests for Zinc are often used, they can be unreliable (after all, most of your Zinc is locked up inside of the cells, correct?) Zinc can be toxic if present in excessive quantities over a longer time duration. So DO NOT OVERDO your long-term Zinc supplementation. Stay within the RDA levels, but ready to temporarily hit the “boost” button, to increase them when infected with what you suspect to be an RNA virus.
Bottom line: more Zinc is NOT better over a long-duration. You need Zinc sufficiency for daily prophylaxis/prevention.
And remember, elemental Zinc is the standard for being Zinc sufficient, since we derive it from our food, as that elemental Zinc is in the cells of that animal meat. Zinc Sulfate only contains only 25% elemental Zinc. Your best sources of elemental Zinc remain with those organic foods high in it (Oysters, seafood, grass fed Red Meat.. etc). Supplements, such as Zinc Sulfate, only contain 21% elemental Zinc.
So who are the major players in the sa-mRNA pharma industry? Just how close are they to rolling them out upon humanity? Will the above knowledge be able to have an impact upon their agenda, should it become “common knowledge” with the global public? This is my hope, as well as eradicating humanity’s fear of RNA viral threats, all based upon Dr. Ralph Baric’s research, and Dr. Zev Zelenko’s protocol upon which it was based.
The current status for rolling out sa-mRNA “vaccines” will be covered in Self-Amplifying mRNA: Part 2
I hope that NOW may be of the opinion that the above revelations above and in “The Baric Files” justified the $50 annual subscription fee to Men in Black?) You can, of course, additionally also buy me a coffee in the link above, which also accepts PayPal donations. I would be very grateful for the extra caffeine jump start. Many long nights have gone into writing these articles, for which my family has suffered from my obsession in conveying this information to the world.